2005, 2021

Providing a Memorial Stone to Obosleav CF as a Symbol of a Strong Collaboration

By |May 20th, 2021|

With a request from community members, the Tumring REDD+ Project supported O’ Boleave community forest with a Community Forestry Memorial Stone. It was built to symbolize a relationship between the project and community members. This community forestry was the first community forestry that registered a land title with a [...]

2005, 2021

Latest Management of Microfinance Grant Supported by Tumring REDD+ Project

By |May 20th, 2021|

In December 2020, the Project Management Unit (PMU) had a meeting with community-based micro finance in Kbal Dauntey CF, participated by 12 members (05 women). Currently, this saving group has offered loans to 09 farmers. The loans received – with lower interest rate compared to local banks and private micro [...]

2005, 2021

Forest Law Enforcement Activities Conducted in the Project Area

By |May 20th, 2021|

To enforce Forest Law and conserve the remaining forests, the Project Management Unit (PMU) coordinated forest patrols in the Project site from October to December 2020. The Field Implementation Unit (FIU) members have been collaborating with local FA officers to patrol forests in the Project site. In total, 30 [...]

1012, 2020

Project management unit met and solved emerging issues for community forestry groups

By |December 10th, 2020|

The PMU conducted quarterly meetings with all 14 CF Management Committees (CFMCs). In the third quarter of 2020, quarterly meetings were conducted with 239 participants (28 of whom were women). These meetings focused on newly emerged challenges associated with illegal activities that happened and have been happening inside the CF [...]

1012, 2020

Project management unit formulated a new micro-finance for O’Bos Leav CF

By |December 10th, 2020|

In September, the PMU conducted a meeting with community members to formulate a community based micro-finance, which was participated by 26 community members (08 of whom were women). As a result, the community agreed to establish a new O’ Bos Leave community based micro-finance to serve as a mechanism [...]

1012, 2020

Verra Registry approved a verification report for Tumring REDD+ project

By |December 10th, 2020|

The PMU with support from Wildlife Works Carbon (a carbon developer) provided inputs to S&A Carbon (an independent carbon verifier) to finish the VCS and CCB accuracy assessment report required by Verra Registry. On 03 September 2020, the Tumring REDD+ project received the approval from Verra Registry on a [...]

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